RPG Campaign Possibilities

I don't have an RPG group yet here in Sierra Vista, but I've still been giving some thought as to what I might want to run when I do. Some of the ideas I have mulled over:

Aether 1899 (modified AD&D 2e) -- This is a fusion campaign between modified Spelljammer and Masque of the Red Death settings. It seemed to go over pretty well when I ran it before. One of the things that I really like about this particular campaign setting is that I can use the old AD&D 2e Darksun setting (modified, of course) to represent the planet Mars. It also gives me an excuse to stat up the HMS Enterprise...

America XXVc (Basic Roleplaying) -- I love post-apocalypse campaigns, although my tastes in such tend to run more towards Eternity Road, the Battle Circle trilogy, and The Steel, the Mist, and the Blazing Sun than it does Fallout or Mad Max. The inspiration in this case would be the 25th Century North America of the Horseclans setting -- after the Great Quakes, but before Milo Morai returned to lead the Horseclans east of the Mississippi River. I can easily graft in several old Gamma World adventure modules (suitably modified, of course), and I was thinking about incorporating the Witch World setting as the post-apocalypse Pacific Northwest. (I have copies of both GURPS Horseclans and GURPS Witch World for use as references, if it comes to that.) There are also elements of the old Hawkmoon RPG that can be dropped in as well.

Imperial Earth (GURPS 4e) -- This is a science fiction campaign that draws heavily from GURPS Traveller (although I don't use the Traveller setting itself) and the three GURPS Space Atlas books. I may or may not include races from GURPS Aliens and/or GURPS Traveller. Just to shake things up a bit, however, I'm considering using GURPS China as the source inspiration for Imperial politics.


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